Towards a Shared Vision
Tineri artiști români în arta contemporană europeană 2024
The award ceremony and diploma presentation will take place on June 12, 2024, at 7:00 PM on the occasion of the launch of the exhibition “Invitation au Voyage” at the Centrul de Interes on Fabricii de Chibrituri Street, no. 9.
The Winners
The BT Contemporary Art Award offered by Banca Transilvania, worth 2000 Euros will be awarded to the artist Adrian Ghiman, who obtained 21 points.
The Iulius Mall Award offered by Iulius Mall Cluj, worth 1500 Euros will be awarded to the artist Ioana Aron, who obtained 18 points.
The Spațiul Intact Award offered by Fundația Culturală Intact, worth 1000 Euros will be awarded to the artist Emma Pavaloaia, who obtained 13 points.